
Dr. Lukas Gast – Team Leader Circular Economy

Expert Forum Green Economic Dialogue e.V.

New INZIN scholarship holder Daniel Ohl

Expert Forum Green Economic Dialogue e.V.

Circular economy – rare earths and industrial metals

Expert Forum Green Economic Dialogue e.V.

Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich as a guest at “Zukunftsorte”

Transformation podcast by Euref and the Rheinische Post

That was IFAT Munich 2024

Metals for Progress | Passion for Metallurgy | Together with YOU

9th Doctoral

20. March 20 - 21, 2024

Strategies for

INZIN - Exhibitor at the 35th Kassel Waste and Resources Forum

A visit to Aurubis in Lünen

Metals for Progress | Passion for Metallurgy | Together with YOU

Seminar “Sustainability in Companies”

Technical University of Dortmund

Circular Economy

Using the momentum

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