HYPOS – Storage Study
“Study on the role of large-scale storage systems in future energy systems with high shares of renewable energies”
- Regional analyses of the technological supply and demand potential
- Analyses of the economic costs of large-scale storage facilities and their economic benefits
- Meta-study on the economically optimal use of large-scale storage systems in the context of different energy-economic boundary conditions
- Draft of a market design for the technology-specific promotion of large-scale H2 storage systems, taking into account competition with other flexibility options
- Workshops with stakeholders
The HYPOS project consortium is pursuing the goal of gradually substituting the hydrogen demand previously covered by fossil fuels and making electricity-based hydrogen technology economically viable on a large scale. The storage study project focuses on the question of how the transition to a hydrogen-based energy and raw material supply in Germany can be shaped beyond the use of hydrogen in niche markets.
The study aims to work out which constraints need to be taken into account when upscaling large-scale hydrogen-based storage systems and how their market launch and, in particular, their market ramp-up can be designed from a regulatory perspective in such a way that this results in added economic value for future energy supply systems. In particular, the strategic view of the economic significance of large-scale storage systems in decarbonized energy systems of the future is a core element of the project.
Further information on the HYPOS storage study can be found here.