Felix Müller

Graduate Business Chemist


E-nail: Felix.Mueller(at)uba.de



Research topic

Material limits of the circular economy – status and perspectives of the circular economy under characterization, modelling and evaluation of the material balance with special appreciation of stock dynamics in Germany’s anthropogenic stockpile

The circular economy is increasingly seen in political programs as a consistent solution for a sustainable, resource-conserving economy. The central paradigm of the circular economy is the preservation of the value and function of goods, products and materials in the economic area. As a result, an ideal raw material-utilizing system in a steady state would have to be largely self-sufficient in secondary raw materials and be able to dispense almost entirely with primary raw materials.

However, real systems such as national economies are characterized by a complex, dynamic material interdependence with losses and veritable consumption of raw materials. Recycling is subject to technological and economic barriers. Furthermore, these systems not only experience saturation effects, but also considerable growth and shrinkage dynamics in the anthropogenic camp. There is a large time lag between the placing on the market and the disposal of relevant groups of goods.

Against this backdrop, where are realistic material target corridors in a circular economy and where are the limits? Which materials can actually be managed in cycles and which indicators can be used to reliably describe the development of material life cycles? To what extent will the supply of primary raw materials remain necessary?

The author’s doctoral project is dedicated to these central questions and examines the degree of circularity that will be possible for various materials under current and expected future technical conditions.


First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich, TU Clausthal
Place of doctorate: TU Clausthal


Müller, F., Kosmol, J., Keßler, H., Angrick, M. und Rechenberg, B.: Dematerialization—A Disputable Strategy for Resource Conservation Put under Scrutiny. Resources – Special Issue: Consideration of Abiotic Natural Resources in Life Cycle Assessments, 2017. 6(1): S. 1-32. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/resources6040068 und

Müller, F., Lehmann, C., Kosmol, J., Keßler, H. und Bolland, T.: Urban Mining – Ressourcenschonung im Anthropozän. Umweltbundesamt: Dessau-Roßlau, 2017, 69 S.

Müller, F. und Lehmann, C.: Urban mining – Putting into perspective anthropogenic stocks for a resource efficient circular economy. In: Proceedings of the European Metallurgical Conference (EMC). 2017. Leipzig. S.789-798.

Kosmol, J., Müller, F. und Keßler, H.: The Critical Raw Materials Concept: Subjective, multifactorial and ever-developing In: Factor-X, M. Angrick et al., (Hrsg.). Springer: Berlin, 2017, S. 1-20. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-50079-9_5

Schiller, G., Müller, F. und Ortlepp, R.: Mapping the anthropogenic stock in Germany: Metabolic evidence for a circular economy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2016. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.08.007

Müller, F., Möller, A. und Meinshausen, I.: Dynamic Modeling Framework for Anthropogenic Stocks and Flows to enhance the Circular Economy. In: EnviroInfo V. Wohlgemuth et al., (Hrsg.). Shaker Verlag: Berlin, 2016, S 459-466.

Müller, F., Lehmann, C., Kosmol, J., Bolland, T. und Keßler, H.: Urban Mining – Systematisierung eines Strategieansatzes zur Kreislaufwirtschaft. Müll und Abfall – Fachzeitschrift für Abfall-und Ressourcenwirtschaft, 2016. 48(10): S. 169-176.

Müller, F., Kosmol, J., Keßler, H., Angrick, M. und Rechenberg, B.: Die unerträgliche Ressourcenleichtigkeit des Seins. Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 2016. 31(4): S. 45-50. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14512/OEW310445

Müller, F., Kosmol, J., Keßler, H., Angrick, M. und Rechenberg, B.: Aller Dinge Maß – Materialflussindikatoren allein liefern keine hinreichende Orientierung für Strategien zur Ressourcenschonung. ReSource – Fachzeitschrift für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, 2016. 29(4): S. 4-11.

Müller, F.: ProgRess II – Weichenstellung für eine moderne Kreislaufwirtschaft. ReSource – Fachzeitschrift für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, 2016. 29(1): S. 1-2.

Müller, F.: Urban Mining – Die Wertstoff-Schätze heben. Recycling Magazin – Trends, Analysen, Meinungen und Fakten zur Kreislaufwirtschaft, 2015. 70(20): S. 14-17.

Müller, F.: Mit Urban Mining die Kreislaufwirtschaft neu denken. UmweltMagazin. Das Entscheider Magazin für Technik und Management. Springer-VDI-Verlag, 2015. 45(12): S. 35-37.

Müller, F.: Mapping of Anthropogenic Stocks in Germany – New Perspectives for a Sound Resource, Waste and Recycling Policy. In: Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology – ISIE Conference 2015. Guildford / Surrey (UK): University of Surrey.