Dr. Alexander Gönner

Alexander Gönner, born on January 18, 1995 in Steinfurt, has been working for Remondis Assets & Services GmbH & Co. KG in the Research & Development Department of Plant Engineering since February 2020. He previously studied physics at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster as part of a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree program. During his studies, his research focused on nonlinear phenomena in optics, while he is currently working on the development of novel optical weighing techniques for the recycling industry.
Research topic
Bulk density determination in recycling plants with fiber Bragg grids
In order to achieve the goal of a functioning circular economy, current recycling processes must be optimized so that less waste can be disposed of and more can be recycled. This requires more information about the material currently being processed. One of the main problems here is the bulk density, which can only be measured with insufficient accuracy on conveyor belts due to the uncertainty of the electric belt scales currently in use.
In his research, Mr. Gönner is therefore working on the development of a new type of optical belt scale that promises better properties and greater accuracy than its electrical counterpart. The idea is to use glass fibers in which a Bragg grid has been inscribed. Using the reflective properties of the grid, the bulk density of the conveyed material can be measured precisely and quickly. Above all, the insensitivity to electromagnetic interference, weaker ageing effects and lower costs make an optical belt scale an attractive alternative to the electrical method currently used.
Fiber optic sensors, belt scales, bulk density, recycling industry