Dr. Lukas Gast - Team Leader Circular Economy

News 2024

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Lukas Gast to our team as Team Leader Circular Economy as of March 1, 2024.


Dr. Lukas Gast supports the development of the “Circular Economy” area at INZIN in his role as team leader. Previously, he worked as a strategy consultant and research assistant on various projects in the energy sector. He studied industrial engineering at the TU Berlin and Engineering for Sustainable Development and subsequently completed a doctorate in engineering at the University of Cambridge.

In his research and teaching, he focuses on resource efficiency and sustainable innovations in energy-intensive industry with the aim of accelerating the transition to greenhouse gas neutrality and a circular economy.

Lukas Gast is an honorary board member of DGAW e.V., a member of the working group on fundamental issues in resource management and supports the Science Congress (WiKo). His engineering firm focuses on advising (medium-sized) companies in the areas of sustainability, energy and the circular economy.

New INZIN scholarship holder Daniel Ohl

News 2024

We are delighted to welcome Mr. Daniel Ohl to our team as a new INZIN Fellow on July 1, 2024.


Mr. Ohl is researching new indicators and evaluations of technologies for the circular economy. He completed his Master’s degree in Applied Chemistry at TH Köln in September 2023 with a focus on green and sustainable chemistry. Before that, he completed his Bachelor’s degree in Business Chemistry at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. Last year, he completed an internship at Prognos AG in the field of sustainability consulting with first projects in the field of circular economy and chemical recycling.

Circular economy - rare earths and industrial metals

News 2024

The transition to a decarbonized economy is increasing the demand for rare earths and industrial metals. Securing a sustainable supply of raw materials is therefore essential for the successful transformation of Germany as an innovative industrial location.
As Germany and the EU are heavily dependent on individual countries for the extraction and processing of rare earths and industrial metals, effectively recovering them and closing raw material cycles is a key challenge. This expert forum focused on the barriers that need to be overcome for a cross-sector circular economy.

Together with representatives from politics, science and industry, the expert forum discussed which political framework conditions could lead to more effective recovery of rare earths and industrial metals. Input from Dr. Michael Weltzin, Division IVB1 Mineral Raw Materials, Circular Economy, Technical Supervision BGR of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), Dr. Lukas Gast, Team Leader Circular Economy at the Institute for the Future of Industrial Society (INZIN), and Dr. Britta Bookhagen, Head of the Recycling Raw Materials Department at the German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA), contributed to a successful event.

Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich as a guest at "Zukunftsorte"

News 2024

Universities are real drivers of change – at least when it comes to the energy transition.

How true is this theory? We discuss this in this episode. Our guests: Karin Teichmann from Euref and Professor Martin Faulstich from TU Dortmund University.

Several degree courses are currently being developed for the Euref campus in Düsseldorf, whose graduates will definitely earn their money with transformation. Furthermore, research is being carried out on the future topic of hydrogen.

The Euref campuses in Berlin and Düsseldorf are also teaching and research locations. In Berlin for a very long time. In Düsseldorf, the corresponding degree programs are just being created. The man pulling the strings is Martin Faulstich. He is a senior professor at the Technical University of Dortmund and research coordinator of the University Alliance Ruhr. His own research focus as an environmental and energy engineer: How can industrial companies in particular manage the change? He is on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Talent Campus and heads up the scientific activities at the Euref Campus Düsseldorf, which will be completed later this year.

The campus idea is also close to the heart of a woman who has been a guest on the Zukunftsorte podcast several times. Karin Teichmann is Spokeswoman of the Board of Directors of Euref AG.

How do you design new degree programs that are practical but don’t lose sight of the basics? What transformation issues do universities face and how do they tackle them? And what role does research play in the energy transition?

That was IFAT Munich 2024

News 2024

Circular innovations for a green economy in NRW

The expert discussion with Andreas Mucke (Circular Valley) and Philipp Böhm (NEEW Ventures GmbH) was moderated by Dr. Lukas Gast (KNUW). The panel discussion provided an overview of new and existing circular business models, the innovation landscape in NRW with concrete examples of successful start-ups that address the challenges of the circular economy from digitalization and AI to product design and recovery through to recycling with the aim of closing material cycles and contributing to a circular economy.


Hydrogen and the circular economy are growing together in the Ruhr metropolis

The Ruhr region is one of the most important economic regions in Europe and, due to its energy-intensive industries, will need to have an even more extensive hydrogen infrastructure in the future. Key customers include the chemical and metallurgical industries, plant and mechanical engineering, the logistics sector and companies in the circular economy. Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich and Christina Zollmarsch from Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH spoke about the potential and challenges of the regional hydrogen economy and its integration into the future circular economy in NRW.


Greenhorn meets Expert

At the Greenhorn meets Expert event, INZIN fellow Christian Großhauser presented the activities of the INZIN Institute. During speed networking, the “greenhorns” were able to exchange ideas with the “experts” and get to know their potential employer.


Science and business: shaping innovation together

During the panel discussion, which was moderated by Holger Lange (Stadtreinigung Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich emphasized the relevance of cooperation between science and industry in order to drive innovation.Green Economy as a driver of innovation in NRW


Green Economy as a driver of innovation in NRW

At the event, which was chaired by Dr. Ewa Harlacz and INZIN scholarship holder Konstantin Saure, innovative start-ups from NRW presented their digital business models in the areas of circular economy, water management and mobility and showed how they can contribute to the sustainable development of the region.


HiiCCE Science Corner “Young science in the waste management industry”

As part of his presentation “Resource strategies for cities in NRW”, INZIN scholarship holder Konstantin Saure presented the current status of the circular economy in NRW and outlined possible future developments.


Other special highlights of IFAT Munich 2024 were the visit by State Secretary Viktor Haase and the signing of the “Circular Value Creation Round Table Charter”.
State Secretary Viktor Haase explained: “We want to make North Rhine-Westphalia the first climate-neutral industrial region in Europe. This transformation will be a major effort. However, we will only succeed if we manage to drive forward the ecological transformation and at the same time make our federal state one of the most sustainable and competitive business locations in Europe. In a modern economy, climate protection, the preservation of our natural resources, good jobs and social security are inextricably linked. The circular economy is an important lever for achieving this goal of transformation.”

Another highlight was the KNUW-DGAW joint brunch with over 50 participants from various companies and associations. With pretzels, veal sausage, wine and wheat beer, the penultimate day of the trade fair was heralded in a relaxed atmosphere and at the same time offered the opportunity for mutual exchange and networking.

We would like to thank all participants for their interest in our formats, DGAW for the joint stand and support and our colleagues from the KNUW team!

9th Doctoral

News 2024

From March 20 to 21, the 9th doctoral seminar with the doctoral students of Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich took place at the Technical University of Dortmund. A total of 11 doctoral students and our habilitation candidate Dr. Lukas Gast took part in the seminar.

The seminar began with a visit to the “Bio.Inspiration” exhibition at DASA, which sheds light on how solutions from nature can be transferred to technology. During the rest of the course of the seminar, PhD students Sarah Friese, Konstantin Saure and Caroline Andersen presented the current status of their research on the topics of implementing nationwide targets for a sustainable energy transition at regional level, resource strategies for cities in Germany and the development of regional hydrogen infrastructures for energy system transformation

The participants had the opportunity to continue their discussions in a relaxed atmosphere over dinner.

The doctoral seminar was once again a great success and we are already looking forward to the next one!

Many thanks to Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich and all participants for their dedicated participation and their contribution to the success of this event.

Strategies for

News 2024

Prof. Martin Faulstich moderated panel on sustainability at the 35th Kassel Waste and Resources Forum

Circular economy in the German Sustainability Strategy and sustainability reporting

Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl, Secretary General German Council for Sustainable Development

Sustainability strategy and sustainability reports in waste management practice:

  • Sustainability strategy of Stadtreinigung Hamburg – Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Siechau, Stadtreinigung Hamburg
  • Sustainability strategy in waste management in the district of Osnabrück – Christian Niehaves, AWIGO Abfallwirtschaft Landkreis Osnabrück

Once again this year, INZIN Institute presented itself at the 35th Kassel Waste and Resources Forum 2024 with a joint stand.

A visit to Aurubis in Lünen

News 2024

Metals for Progress | Passion for Metallurgy | Together with YOU

With these claims, Aurubis in Lünen near Dortmund makes it clear how relevant metals are for the transformation process in a circular economy.

Aurubis AG is a leading global supplier of non-ferrous metals and one of the largest copper recyclers in the world. The company processes complex metal concentrates, scrap metals, organic and inorganic metal-containing recycling materials and industrial residues into metals of the highest quality. Aurubis produces more than 1 million tons of copper cathodes every year and various products made of copper or copper alloys such as continuous cast wire rod, shapes, profiles or flat rolled products. Aurubis also produces many other metals such as precious metals, selenium, lead, nickel, tin and zinc. The portfolio also includes other products such as sulphuric acid and iron silicate.

Sustainability and decarbonization are elementary components of the Aurubis strategy.
The Group’s recycling center, where complex recycling materials are processed, is located in Lünen. Around 650 employees produce anodes, cathodes, iron silicate sand and by-products there. Companies such as Aurubis provide environmentally neutral process technologies and recycling routes for copper recycling in line with the circular economy.

We would like to thank Aurubis for the informative visit to the recycling center and look forward to further cooperation.

Seminar "Sustainability in Companies"

News 2024

From February 5 to 7, 2024, the seminar “Sustainability in Companies” took place at TU Dortmund. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich, 23 dedicated students presented lectures on various areas of sustainability.

Topics included the “three-pillar model” and the “Club of Rome”, as well as insights into the activities of the EU and the UN. Furthermore, we were thrilled to have speakers from the companies Gertec, EEW Energy from Waste, EDG Entsorgung Dortmund GmbH, DEW21, Aurubis and Remondis at the event!

We thank all participants for the fascinating insights and their commitment!

Presentation of the Status Report on the German Circular Economy 2024

News 2024

On January 25, 2024, the Status Report on the Circular Economy 2024 was presented as part of a virtual press conference.

After a welcoming address by Stefan Rummel, Messe München, Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich, INZIN – Institute for the Future of Industrial Society, Prof. Dr. Klaus Gellenbeck, INFA GmbH, and Dr. Jochen Hoffmeister, Prognos AG, presented the key findings of the report.
The press conference was moderated by Felix Kirschenbauer.

In the status report, 14 associations and IFAT Munich present the current status of the German circular economy. The new edition provides an up-to-date, comprehensive and broadly coordinated overview of the organizational structures, volumes, capacities, economic relevance, innovative capacity and future economic and social challenges facing the circular economy in Germany. The report thus provides valuable information about the current and future tasks, achievements and goals of the industry to politicians and the business community, as well as the media and interested experts.


The press conference can be accessed here.

Further information and key findings

The 2024 Status Report (PDF)