Environmental Economy Award of North Rhine-Westphalia 2024

News 2024

SUMMIT Umweltwirtschaft.NRW | 7. Nov.2024

Bedeutung der Kritikalität spezifischer Rohstoffe für NRW-Unternehmen

Abhängigkeiten reduzieren: Kritische Rohstoffe und ihre Bedeutung für die Green Economy der Zukunft

Die Umsetzung des Green Deals hängt stark von Rohstoffen ab. Doch welche Ressourcen sind dafür tatsächlich erforderlich, woher stammen sie, wie stabil sind ihre Lieferketten und welche Recyclingmöglichkeiten gibt es bereits? Was bedeutet das für Akteur*innen in NRW und wie kann die Recyclingkapazität (auf 25 Prozent) gehoben werden, um die Rohstoffverfügbarkeit resilienter aufzustellen? Das wollen wir diskutieren mit…

  • Unternehmer*innen aus dem produzierenden Gewerbe
  • Verteter*innen der Recyclingwirtschaft
  • dem Runden Tisch Zirkuläre Wertschöpfung

Zum Programm: SUMMIT Umweltwirtschaft.NRW

Environmental Economy Award of North Rhine-Westphalia 2024

News 2024

Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Elektronikindustrie

Austauschplattform Zirkuläre B2B Elektronik - Erkenntnisse

Die Elektronikindustrie spielt eine Schlüsselrolle beim Übergang zu einer umfassenden Kreislaufwirtschaft. Neue regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen und Strategien auf europäischer Ebene, wie z. B. der Critical Raw Materials Act, und auf nationaler Ebene, wie z. B. der Entwurf zur Nationalen Kreislaufwirtschaftsstrategie, beeinussen und unterstützen die Transformation des Elektroniksektors hin zur Kreislaufwirtschaft. Neben allgemeinen Strategien und Maßnahmen gibt es auch konkrete Ziele, um entlang der Wertschöpfungskette von Produkten die Umweltauswirkungen der Produktion und der Nutzung zu reduzieren, z. B. durch besseres Produktdesign und efzienteres Recycling.

Um die Transformation zu gestalten und die Materialkreisläufe aufzubauen, arbeiten relevante Akteursgruppen aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik in Nordrhein-Westfalen in der Austauschplattform Zirkuläre B2B Elektronik zusammen.

Dieser Beitrag fasst die Stakeholder-Perspektiven, Hemmnisse und Chancen für die Kreislaufwirtschaft zusammen.

Zum Beitrag: Wege in die Kreislaufwirtschaft für die Elektronikindustrie

Environmental Economy Award of North Rhine-Westphalia 2024

News 2024

preis.NRW 2024 verliehen

© Susanne Schmidt-Dominé

Gewinner*innen stehen fest!

Am 16. September 2024 wurde der Umweltwirtschaftspreis.NRW zum dritten Mal verliehen. Der Preis würdigt Unternehmen, die Umwelt- und Klimaschutz sowie wirtschaftlichen Erfolg auf beeindruckende Weise verbinden. Unternehmen der Green Economy in NRW hatten auch 2024 wieder die Chance auf Preisgelder in Höhe von insgesamt 60.000 EUR. Hier erfahren Sie, welche Unternehmen 2024 die Jury mit ihren innovativen Geschäftsmodellen überzeugt haben.

Den 1. Platz und 30.000 Euro Preisgeld sicherte sich die ClayTec GmbH & Co. KG aus Viersen.
ClayTec produziert seit 40 Jahren Baustoffe wie Mörtel und Trockenbauplatten aus Lehm: einem Rohstoff, der in Deutschland in großen Mengen verfügbar sowie ein geeignetes Substitut für weniger umweltfreundliche Stoffe wie Gips und Kalkstein ist.

Über den 2. Platz und 20.000 Euro Preisgeld freute sich die Voltfang GmbH aus Aachen.
Das innovative Aachener Unternehmen Voltfang hat ein Batteriespeichersystem aus Second-Life-Batterien entwickelt, das kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen sowie der Industrie hilft, ihren ökologischen Fußabdruck zu reduzieren und Kosten zu sparen.

Den mit 10.000 Euro dotierten 3. Platz des Umweltwirtschaftspreis.NRW 2024 sicherte sich die HDB Recycling GmbH aus Hünxe.
Wohin mit gemischten mineralischen Abfällen? Die HDB Recycling GmbH aus Hünxe hat dafür eine innovative Lösung gefunden. Mit der Nassaufbereitungsanlage R-Gestein Niederrhein bereitet sie mineralische Abfälle zu hochwertigen Sekundärbaustoffen für den Hoch- und Tiefbau auf.

Der Umweltwirtschaftspreis richtet sich an innovative Unternehmen der Green Economy, die dazu beitragen, Nordrhein-Westfalens Vorreiterrolle im Bereich der Umweltwirtschaft weiter auszubauen.

Weitere Informationen zum Umweltwirtschaftspreis.NRW:

Umweltwirtschaftspreis.NRW 2024

Environmental Economy Award of North Rhine-Westphalia 2024

News 2024

Environmental Economy Award of NRW 2024

© Susanne Schmidt-Dominé

On September 16, 2024, the Environmental Economy Award was presented for the third time. The prize recognizes companies that combine environmental and climate protection with economic success in an impressive way. Companies in the green economy in North Rhine-Westphalia once again had the chance to win prize money totaling EUR 60,000 in 2024. Here you can find out which companies impressed the jury with their innovative business models in 2024.

1st place and the award valou of €30,000 in prize money went to ClayTec GmbH Co. KG from Viersen.
ClayTec has been producing building materials such as mortar and drywall boards from clay for 40 years: a raw material that is available in large quantities in Germany and is a suitable substitute for less environmentally friendly materials such as gypsum and limestone.

Voltfang GmbH from Aachen was delighted to receive 2nd place and €20,000 in prize money.
The innovative Aachen-based company Voltfang has developed a battery storage system made from second-life batteries that helps small and medium-sized enterprises and industry to reduce their ecological footprint and save costs.

HDB Recycling GmbH from Hünxe secured 3rd place in the Umweltwirtschaftspreis.NRW 2024 with prize money of €10,000.
What to do with mixed mineral waste? HDB Recycling GmbH from Hünxe has found an innovative solution. With the R-Gestein Niederrhein wet processing plant, it processes mineral waste into high-quality secondary construction materials for building construction and civil engineering.

The Green Economy Award is aimed at innovative companies in the Green Economy that contribute to further expanding North Rhine-Westphalia’s pioneering role in the environmental sector. Further information can be found here.

10th Doctoral Seminar

News 2024

From July 24 to 25, 2024, the 10th doctoral seminar with Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich’s doctoral students took place at the facilities of Gertec GmbH & Co. KG in Essen. A total of 11 doctoral students and our team leader Circular Economy Dr. Lukas Gast took part in the seminar.

The doctoral seminar began with an official welcome and a round of introductions, during which all participants were able to get to know each other. This introductory phase created a pleasant atmosphere and laid the foundation for a lively exchange and subsequent collaboration.
The first presentation by Andreas Hübner was entitled “How a research project might change my doctorate”. This was followed by a brief input from Ms. Esther Lutz from Gertec GmbH Co. KG, who presented a project idea on the topic of “Monitoring area planning tool (urban) forest”.

After a short break, INZIN scholarship holder Christian Großhauser shared the current status of his research after a year of doctoral studies.
After a joint lunch break, Mr. Torsten Weber from Gertec GmbH Co. KG gave a presentation on “Resource efficiency and circular economy in energy-efficient building refurbishment”. This was followed by a presentation and discussion by Dr. Lukas Gast, who gave an overview of the circular economy.

As a cultural highlight, the participants visited the Ruhr Museum on the grounds of the Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex in Essen in the afternoon. This visit offered fascinating insights into the region’s industrial history and rounded off the seminar.

The second day began with a science speed dating session, during which the participants had short conversations about the highlights and challenges of their doctorates.

At the end of the seminar, there was a feedback session followed by the official farewell. Here, the experiences and insights of the seminar were reflected upon and next steps were planned.


We would like to thank all doctoral students for their dedicated participation, Andreas Hübner and Julian Leber for organizing the seminar and Gertec GmbH Co. KG for the use of their premises and are already looking forward to the next doctoral seminar.

General Meeting, Young Science Forum Summer Party

News 2024

This year, the Young Science Forum and the INZIN summer party took place for the second time at the Canoo Club on the Rhine. First, however, the fifth INZIN General Meeting took place. We are very pleased that Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich was re-elected to the Board of Directors of the INZIN Institute and would like to thank our members, whose support makes our work possible in the first place. Our scholarship holders had the opportunity to present their research topics at the Young Scientists’ Forum. Many thanks again to Dr. Lukas Gast, who introduced the INZIN Institute and the Circular Economy working group and moderated the forum, and to our scholarship holders Jule Jeschonowski-Papstein, Pauline Jegen and Konstantin Saure, who presented their complex research topics in an engaging and entertaining way. Finally, many thanks to our guests, whose participation made the evening very special.
We are already looking forward to many more exciting events and to shaping the future of industrial society together with you!

Green Economy Award NRW 2024

News 2024

Green Economy Award NRW 2024

Ten companies nominated for the Green Economy Award NRW 2024

Under the motto “Green Economy paves the way to Europe’s first climate-neutral industrial region”, the Ministry of the Environment has awarded the Green Economy Award for the third time this year together with NRW.BANK.

The Green Economy Award is aimed at innovative companies in the Green Economy that contribute to further expanding North Rhine-Westphalia’s pioneering role in the environmental sector. Prize money of 60,000 euros awaits the winners, who are selected by an independent jury. The Green Economy Award is scheduled to be presented in September 2024. The jury evaluated the most innovative and sustainable companies from the total of 60 applications submitted and selected ten nominees for the Green Economy Award NRW. The following ten companies prevailed and have been nominated for the Green Economy Award NRW 2024:

  • BIKAR-METALLE GmbH (Bad Berleburg)
  • Claytec GmbH Co. KG (Viersen)
  • CUNA Products GmbH (Dortmund)
  • “Grüne Linie – nachhaltige Bestattungen” im Bestattungshaus Hebenstreit Kentrup GmbH (Bonn)
  • HDB Recycling GmbH (Hünxe)
  • Hydrotec Ingenieursgesellschaft für Wasser und Umwelt mbH (Aachen)
  • Kueppers Solutions GmbH (Dortmund)
  • Membion GmbH (Roetgen)
  • Voltfang GmbH (Aachen)
  • WestfalenWIND IT GmbH Co KG (Paderborn)


Further information on the Green Economy Award NRW: Green Economy Award NRW 2024: Ten companies nominated | Green Economy.NRW

New INZIN scholarship holder Daniel Ohl

News 2024

We are delighted to welcome Mr. Daniel Ohl to our team as a new INZIN Fellow on July 1, 2024.


Mr. Ohl is researching new indicators and evaluations of technologies for the circular economy. He completed his Master’s degree in Applied Chemistry at TH Köln in September 2023 with a focus on green and sustainable chemistry. Before that, he completed his Bachelor’s degree in Business Chemistry at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. Last year, he completed an internship at Prognos AG in the field of sustainability consulting with first projects in the field of circular economy and chemical recycling.

Circular economy - rare earths and industrial metals

News 2024

The transition to a decarbonized economy is increasing the demand for rare earths and industrial metals. Securing a sustainable supply of raw materials is therefore essential for the successful transformation of Germany as an innovative industrial location.
As Germany and the EU are heavily dependent on individual countries for the extraction and processing of rare earths and industrial metals, effectively recovering them and closing raw material cycles is a key challenge. This expert forum focused on the barriers that need to be overcome for a cross-sector circular economy.

Together with representatives from politics, science and industry, the expert forum discussed which political framework conditions could lead to more effective recovery of rare earths and industrial metals. Input from Dr. Michael Weltzin, Division IVB1 Mineral Raw Materials, Circular Economy, Technical Supervision BGR of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), Dr. Lukas Gast, Team Leader Circular Economy at the Institute for the Future of Industrial Society (INZIN), and Dr. Britta Bookhagen, Head of the Recycling Raw Materials Department at the German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA), contributed to a successful event.

Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich as a guest at "Zukunftsorte"

News 2024

Universities are real drivers of change – at least when it comes to the energy transition.

How true is this theory? We discuss this in this episode. Our guests: Karin Teichmann from Euref and Professor Martin Faulstich from TU Dortmund University.

Several degree courses are currently being developed for the Euref campus in Düsseldorf, whose graduates will definitely earn their money with transformation. Furthermore, research is being carried out on the future topic of hydrogen.

The Euref campuses in Berlin and Düsseldorf are also teaching and research locations. In Berlin for a very long time. In Düsseldorf, the corresponding degree programs are just being created. The man pulling the strings is Martin Faulstich. He is a senior professor at the Technical University of Dortmund and research coordinator of the University Alliance Ruhr. His own research focus as an environmental and energy engineer: How can industrial companies in particular manage the change? He is on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Talent Campus and heads up the scientific activities at the Euref Campus Düsseldorf, which will be completed later this year.

The campus idea is also close to the heart of a woman who has been a guest on the Zukunftsorte podcast several times. Karin Teichmann is Spokeswoman of the Board of Directors of Euref AG.

How do you design new degree programs that are practical but don’t lose sight of the basics? What transformation issues do universities face and how do they tackle them? And what role does research play in the energy transition?