Milad Jokari Sheshdeh

PhD students

Master of Science (M.Sc.), Petroleum Engineering

TU Clausthal
Leibnizstraße 21+23
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

E-Mail: milad.jokari.sheshdeh(at)




Milad Jokari Sheshdeh has been a lecturer at TU Clausthal since 2017. Previously, Mr. Jokari Sheshdeh completed his Bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Engineering in Tehran, Iran. This was followed by a Master’s degree in Petroleum Reservoir Management at Clausthal University of Technology. During his studies, he completed internships in the fields of reservoir management and process engineering and worked as a process engineer and petroleum engineer in Iran and Germany. His research focuses on energy system simulation and analysis and the simulation of oil and gas reservoirs. In his doctoral thesis, Mr. Jokari Sheshdeh deals with the simulation and analysis of energy systems based on renewable energies.

Research topic

Feasibility study on the transition to an energy system based on renewable energies in oil-producing countries; case study on Middle Eastern countries

This study attempts to use the experience gained from the energy transition to develop sustainable energy systems based on renewable energies for oil-producing countries. The aforementioned transition in these countries would face several challenges due to the current energy systems. These challenges are listed and analyzed in the study. In addition, several energy systems will be designed, simulated, optimized and analyzed in the selected regions in order to gain a better understanding of the implementation of such systems in these countries.


First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich, TU Clausthal
Place of doctorate: TU Clausthal


Renewable energies, energy system, energy transition, sustainable energy systems, energy supply

Felix Müller

PhD students

Graduate Business Chemist


E-nail: Felix.Mueller(at)



Research topic

Material limits of the circular economy – status and perspectives of the circular economy under characterization, modelling and evaluation of the material balance with special appreciation of stock dynamics in Germany’s anthropogenic stockpile

The circular economy is increasingly seen in political programs as a consistent solution for a sustainable, resource-conserving economy. The central paradigm of the circular economy is the preservation of the value and function of goods, products and materials in the economic area. As a result, an ideal raw material-utilizing system in a steady state would have to be largely self-sufficient in secondary raw materials and be able to dispense almost entirely with primary raw materials.

However, real systems such as national economies are characterized by a complex, dynamic material interdependence with losses and veritable consumption of raw materials. Recycling is subject to technological and economic barriers. Furthermore, these systems not only experience saturation effects, but also considerable growth and shrinkage dynamics in the anthropogenic camp. There is a large time lag between the placing on the market and the disposal of relevant groups of goods.

Against this backdrop, where are realistic material target corridors in a circular economy and where are the limits? Which materials can actually be managed in cycles and which indicators can be used to reliably describe the development of material life cycles? To what extent will the supply of primary raw materials remain necessary?

The author’s doctoral project is dedicated to these central questions and examines the degree of circularity that will be possible for various materials under current and expected future technical conditions.


First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich, TU Clausthal
Place of doctorate: TU Clausthal


Müller, F., Kosmol, J., Keßler, H., Angrick, M. und Rechenberg, B.: Dematerialization—A Disputable Strategy for Resource Conservation Put under Scrutiny. Resources – Special Issue: Consideration of Abiotic Natural Resources in Life Cycle Assessments, 2017. 6(1): S. 1-32. DOI: und

Müller, F., Lehmann, C., Kosmol, J., Keßler, H. und Bolland, T.: Urban Mining – Ressourcenschonung im Anthropozän. Umweltbundesamt: Dessau-Roßlau, 2017, 69 S.

Müller, F. und Lehmann, C.: Urban mining – Putting into perspective anthropogenic stocks for a resource efficient circular economy. In: Proceedings of the European Metallurgical Conference (EMC). 2017. Leipzig. S.789-798.

Kosmol, J., Müller, F. und Keßler, H.: The Critical Raw Materials Concept: Subjective, multifactorial and ever-developing In: Factor-X, M. Angrick et al., (Hrsg.). Springer: Berlin, 2017, S. 1-20. DOI:

Schiller, G., Müller, F. und Ortlepp, R.: Mapping the anthropogenic stock in Germany: Metabolic evidence for a circular economy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2016. DOI:

Müller, F., Möller, A. und Meinshausen, I.: Dynamic Modeling Framework for Anthropogenic Stocks and Flows to enhance the Circular Economy. In: EnviroInfo V. Wohlgemuth et al., (Hrsg.). Shaker Verlag: Berlin, 2016, S 459-466.

Müller, F., Lehmann, C., Kosmol, J., Bolland, T. und Keßler, H.: Urban Mining – Systematisierung eines Strategieansatzes zur Kreislaufwirtschaft. Müll und Abfall – Fachzeitschrift für Abfall-und Ressourcenwirtschaft, 2016. 48(10): S. 169-176.

Müller, F., Kosmol, J., Keßler, H., Angrick, M. und Rechenberg, B.: Die unerträgliche Ressourcenleichtigkeit des Seins. Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 2016. 31(4): S. 45-50. DOI:

Müller, F., Kosmol, J., Keßler, H., Angrick, M. und Rechenberg, B.: Aller Dinge Maß – Materialflussindikatoren allein liefern keine hinreichende Orientierung für Strategien zur Ressourcenschonung. ReSource – Fachzeitschrift für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, 2016. 29(4): S. 4-11.

Müller, F.: ProgRess II – Weichenstellung für eine moderne Kreislaufwirtschaft. ReSource – Fachzeitschrift für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, 2016. 29(1): S. 1-2.

Müller, F.: Urban Mining – Die Wertstoff-Schätze heben. Recycling Magazin – Trends, Analysen, Meinungen und Fakten zur Kreislaufwirtschaft, 2015. 70(20): S. 14-17.

Müller, F.: Mit Urban Mining die Kreislaufwirtschaft neu denken. UmweltMagazin. Das Entscheider Magazin für Technik und Management. Springer-VDI-Verlag, 2015. 45(12): S. 35-37.

Müller, F.: Mapping of Anthropogenic Stocks in Germany – New Perspectives for a Sound Resource, Waste and Recycling Policy. In: Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology – ISIE Conference 2015. Guildford / Surrey (UK): University of Surrey.

Dustin Jessen

PhD students

Master of Arts (M.A.), Design Products

Folkwang Universität der Künste
Campus Welterbe Zollverein, Quartier Nord
Martin-Kremmer-Straße 21
45327 Essen

T +49 201_6505-1526
E-mail: dustin.jessen(at)




Dustin Jessen graduated from the Royal College of Art (RCA) in London in 2014, having previously studied industrial design at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen and at the Design Academy Eindhoven. Before studying under Tord Boontje at RCA Design Products as a scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in 2012, he worked at Studio Eric Degenhardt in Cologne. In 2013, Dustin Jessen completed an internship at the London office Industrial Facility run by Sam Hecht and Kim Colin, which was to have a lasting influence on his work. Since 2014, he has been working both as a freelance designer and as a research assistant and lecturer in the Industrial Design course at the Folkwang University of the Arts. Since 2018, Dustin Jessen has been a doctoral student there as part of a research project funded by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA).

Research topic

The shape of sustainability

The research project examines the relationship between form and sustainability in design and attempts to develop strategies for designing sustainable products.


First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christa Liedtke, Folkwang Universität der Künste / Wuppertal Institut
Second supervisor: Prof. Dr. Cordula Meier, Folkwang Universität der Künste
Place of doctorate: Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen


Industrial design, product design, sustainability in design, longevity, product language, product semantics, design language

Pauline Jegen

PhD students

Master of Science (M.Sc.), Industrial Engineering
Specialization in Civil Engineering


INZIN Institute
Werdener Str. 4
40227 Düsseldorf

E-mail: pauline.jegen(at)




Pauline Jegen, born in Aachen in 1996, has been a scholarship holder at the INZIN Institute since October 2021. She previously studied industrial engineering with a specialization in civil engineering at RWTH Aachen University. She focused on the specializations of water management and sustainability and cooperation. During her studies, she gained practical experience in construction management and project management, as well as in an engineering office for wastewater management and technical services.

Research topic

The construction industry is one of the most resource-intensive sectors of the economy and is responsible for a large proportion of global greenhouse gas emissions. The construction industry is also one of the biggest sources of waste, particularly through the demolition of buildings and roads. Mineral construction and demolition waste accounts for more than half of the total waste stream generated in Germany. The rubble and demolition waste produced can be reused as recycled building materials. However, the largest proportion is used in downcycling processes. Due to population growth and urbanization, construction activities will continue to increase worldwide in the coming years, which will also increase the demand for raw materials. The question therefore arises as to how more effective management of mineral construction and demolition waste can be implemented.


First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich, TU Dortmund University
Place of doctorate: TU Dortmund


Mineral construction and demolition waste, circular economy, resource conservation

Taner Akbay

PhD students


Energy from Waste GmbH
Schöninger Str. 2-3
38350 Helmstedt

E-mail: Taner.Akbay(at)




Taner Akbay, born on 01.06.1987 in Hanover, has been working as a specialist engineer for EEW Energy from Waste GmbH since the end of 2017. He previously studied mechanical engineering at Leibniz University in Hanover. As a specialist engineer for flue gas cleaning, he supports and optimizes the company’s waste incineration plants with the aim of safely complying with the emission limits in accordance with the 17th BImSchV. In addition to applying engineering knowledge, he uses the latest AI technologies such as neural networks or machine learning to predict, for example, fluctuating pollutant concentrations, contamination in the steam generator or difficult-to-measure temperatures in the combustion chamber due to the inhomogeneity of the waste. This is because the availability and optimum operation of the system can be increased by recognizing the interdependencies at an early stage.

Research topic

Climate change is making the sustainable use and conservation of raw materials, reduction of pollutants and recycling ever more important. Modern waste incineration plants support and fulfill the conditions for waste treatment laid down in the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act. According to the Federal Environment Ministry’s climate protection plans for decarbonizing the heat, electricity and fuel sectors, waste incineration plants can make an important contribution by producing bioenergy. This is because the thermal utilization of waste generates electricity and heat, reduces the pollutants contained in the waste and reduces the volume of waste. Despite modern control, automation and measurement technology, the efficient and optimal operation of a waste incineration plant in compliance with requirements such as incineration temperatures, retention times and emission limits in accordance with the 17th Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchV) is still a process engineering challenge due to the inhomogeneity of the waste composition. In this research project, an AI model of a waste incineration plant is developed based on modern AI algorithms such as machine learning and neural networks, which learns the processes of a waste incineration plant and provides new correlations between the target variables of combustion, pollution, throughput, emissions and efficiency. The scientifically validated findings are then integrated into the conventional control process of the system using a standard procedure developed in-house in order to solve vector optimization. The AI model is developed using the Python programming language. Machine learning can be divided into four main areas based on the way the data is monitored:
supervised learning,
unsupervised learning,
semi-supervised learning and
reinforcement learning.
The types of learning mentioned above are examined in the context of the research objective. The strengths and weaknesses of individual algorithms are worked out according to specific quality criteria so that the validated AI model represents a combination of all AI algorithms.


Decarbonization, digitalization, thermal recycling, AI, data mining, machine and deep learning