Julian Leber
Master of Science (M.Sc.), Spatial Planning
Technical University of Dortmund
Faculty of Spatial Planning
Chair of Resource and Energy Systems
August-Schmidt-Str. 10
44221 Dortmund
Tel.: +49 231 755-7497
E-Mail: julian.leber(at)tu-dortmund.de

Julian Leber, born in Duisburg in 1989, has been working at the Chair of Resource and Energy Systems at the Faculty of Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund since April 2022, where he is responsible for coordinating teaching, among other things. He previously worked at the same faculty at the Chair of Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning. After completing his studies in spatial planning at TU Dortmund University, he focused on the analysis and evaluation of open space provision and open space functions and the link between the areas of accessibility and open space and landscape planning. He also gained a lot of experience in university policy committees. During his studies, he gained practical experience at the City of Dortmund’s Disability Officer and at the STADTRAUMKONZEPT planning office.
Research topic
As a result of demographic ageing, the proportion of people with disabilities is also increasing. Older people and people with physical disabilities are also among the population groups that are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change on human health. Due to urban climatic effects, this problem is increasingly evident in urban regions. To a certain extent, open spaces can help to alleviate these problems, as they are highly relevant in terms of climate adaptation and also offer the population spaces for recreation and social interaction. The doctoral project will evaluate the extent to which the five district parks in the Ruhr metropolis are designed to be barrier-free as part of the “Future and Home: District Parks 2020” project. The aim of the research project is to ensure that the parks are accessible and usable for all groups of people in the future in line with the concept of inclusion.
First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dietwald Gruehn, TU Dortmund
Second supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich, TU Dortmund
Place of doctorate: TU Dortmund
Accessibility, planning for the elderly, ecosystem services, climate adaptation, open space planning, demographic change