Model spatial planning project (MORO)

Shaping climate change and the energy transition – preparatory study for the Spatial Planning Report 2024


The thematically focused Spatial Planning Report 2024 focuses on the fourth guiding principle of spatial development. The focus of the preparatory study is on the major social challenges of climate change and the energy transition. Spatially relevant federal, state and regional strategies for the energy transition and climate adaptation, as well as the implementation status of the Ministerial Conference on Spatial Planning – fields of action “Adapting spatial structures to climate change” and “Managing the expansion of renewable energies and grids” are examined. Based on the findings of the analyses and the consideration of regional case studies, conclusions and recommendations for action on the topic of energy transition and climate adaptation as a field of action in spatial planning policy are formulated and bundled in a technical-scientific preparatory report for ROB2024.

Further information on the spatial planning model project can be found here.

The fact sheets on the focus topics of spatial planning for climate protection and adaptation can be accessed here.