Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich

Martin Faulstich has held the Chair of Resource and Energy Systems at the Technical University of Dortmund since 2020, having previously held chairs at Clausthal University of Technology and the Technical University of Munich. He has also taught and conducted research as a visiting professor at several universities. He has many years of experience in the realignment and establishment of economic research centers. These include the restructuring of a traditional steel research facility in Sulzbach-Rosenberg and the founding of the science center in Straubing.
Martin Faulstich has also been active in policy consulting for many years, including as Chairman of the German Advisory Council on the Environment from 2008 to 2013 and currently as Co-Chairman of the Resources Commission at the Federal Environment Agency. He is a member of committees of renowned institutions, including the Academy for Spatial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL), ifo Institute for Economic Research, EUREF-Campus Berlin, Hamburg Institute HiiCCE, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research until 2018, Daimler and Benz Foundation until 2022 as well as international committees in the EU, Austria, Czech Republic, Belarus and Singapore.
Martin Faulstich is editor of the magazine Nachhaltige Industrie and on the advisory boards of the magazines Müll und Abfall, Wasser und Abfall and EnergieRecht.